Hatch Cam
[vc_row][vc_column width=”3/4″][vc_column_text]Spring hatching is underway at Authentic Heirlooms! We’ll have the hatch cam live for multiple hatches, starting March 9.
Tune in here! (mobile viewers can also search the Ustream app for “HatchCam”)
Common Questions About Hatching
If you’ve never seen a chicken or duck hatch, you are in for an amazing experience. The chick begins the process by pecking a small hole in the shell (this is known as a pip). The chick won’t attempt to hatch for quite a while after this happens. The chick will absorb the remaining nutrients from the yolk, and gather its strength. Once it is ready to hatch it will begin “zipping” or, rather, unzipping its shell by pecking from the inside as it turns around in the shell. Finally the chick will push off the top of the shell. They’re exhausted! It takes them a while to dry off and recover from the ordeal of hatching, so don’t be alarmed if you see a chick flopping around. It’s normal as they gain their strength. It’s also normal for the other chicks to peck curiously at their newly-hatched friends. They are being curious, not aggressive![/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]
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